Photo: Chris Ray

Finger Lakes Land Trust Expands Salmon Creek Bird Sanctuary in Tompkins County

The Finger Lakes Land Trust (FLLT) purchased 7.5 acres located off Salmon Creek Road in the town of Lansing, Tompkins County. The parcel will be added to the FLLT’s adjacent Salmon Creek Bird Sanctuary, safeguarding wildlife habitat and water quality in nearby Salmon Creek, a tributary to Cayuga Lake.

The Salmon Creek Bird Sanctuary was established as a collaboration between the FLLT and the Cornell Lab of Ornithology in 1988. Acting as a refuge, there are no trails on the preserve although birding opportunities can be accessed from Salmon Creek Road. The sanctuary protects stream and forest habitat in an Important Bird Area designated by the National Audubon Society.

A rocky creek

Salmon Creek photo by Jason Gorman

The new addition features woodlands as well as permanent and seasonal streams that flow through the property on their way to Salmon Creek. Protection of this parcel will safeguard habitat for birds and other wildlife; secure scenic views from adjacent public roads; and buffer water quality within Salmon Creek and Cayuga Lake. With the addition of the new parcel, the preserve now encompasses 40 acres.

Protecting bird habitat is a top priority for the FLLT. Other recently completed projects include the protection of Bald Eagle habitat along the Chemung River and the restoration of wetland bird habitat near Owasco Lake.

Funding for the project came from the FLLT’s Finger Lakes Forever capital campaign and the estate of Margaret Bald.