Photo: FLLT
2:00 PM—5:30 PM
Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve—town of West Danby, Tompkins County
Please RSVP with Nature Preserve Manager Jason Gorman by emailing jasongorman@fllt.org or calling 607-275-9487.
Join staff and volunteers on the first Friday of every month from May through November for FLLT nature preserve stewardship activities and socializing. If you are looking for a good reason to take off a half-day on a Friday, this is it! Work sessions will be held from 2:00-4:30 pm, followed by a social hour from 4:30-5:30. Tools, work gloves, light refreshments, and snacks will be provided.
On Friday, October 7, help is needed with a variety of tasks, including non-native brush control and clearing a scenic overlook of Coleman Lake. FLLT staff will be using brush saws and chainsaws to cut brush, while volunteers haul and pile it out of the way.
Please note the following:
• Sturdy hiking shoes or boots and long pants are recommended. We will be hauling brush through tall grasses and other plants.
• Bug repellent will be provided but you may want to consider bringing your own, or treating your clothes with permethrin. Ticks can be bad this time of year.
The Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve is located in West Danby, about 8 miles away from Ithaca. Take Rt. 13 south from Ithaca, then take Rt. 34/96 south to West Danby. Most of the preserve is located on the east side of the highway, across from Sylvan Drive and the West Danby Fire Station. Ample parking is available about 1/2 mile south of Sylvan Drive, on the east side of the road. Entrance to the parking lot is at the top of a hill.