Photo: Long Creek Photography
8:00-11:00 AM
Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve—town of West Danby, Tompkins County
Please email info@fllt.org to register, providing your name and email address.
Come experience the dazzling spectacle of migrant and breeding birds, and learn about their behavior and ecology from naturalist and FLLT volunteer Mark Chao. The Lindsay-Parsons Preserve, located just 8 miles from downtown Ithaca, features a diversity of habitats for birds and other wildlife. Bring binoculars if you have them. Having your own camera or mobile phone with the iNaturalist app is recommended but not required.
Learn more about the Finger Lakes Land Trust’s 2022 Bioblitz Weekend.
The Lindsay-Parsons Biodiversity Preserve is located in West Danby, about 8 miles away from Ithaca. Take Rt. 13 south from Ithaca, then take Rt. 34/96 south to West Danby. Most of the preserve is located on the east side of the highway, across from Sylvan Drive and the West Danby Fire Station. Ample parking is available about 1/2 mile south of Sylvan Drive, on the east side of the road. Entrance to the parking lot is at the top of a hill.
Bioblitz is free to participate but donations are welcomed. General donations may be made, or please let the FLLT know if you would like to make a pledge of any amount per species by contacting us at info@fllt.org or (607) 275-9487. The total species count will be tallied on iNaturalist. Gifts can be made online—please click the box that says “This gift is in honor or memory of someone” and type in: 2022 Bioblitz.